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Update - No-till Bags
1, 2, and 3 month's growth

No-till background

View part 1 for background on this, and no-till in general.

Did it work?

Very well - we had a great canopy significantly faster than any previous season. The size of the crops were in some cases noticeably larger, and the formerly typical soil top-offs were reduced and - in some areas unnecessary. We had a rolling harvest that started in June/July and lasted into November.

We’d expected to need to add something, whether that be some immediately-available liquid organic nutrient - or even some mycorrhizal fungi to help with the compost breakdown. Not once was this required…not even after topping with excessive, not-finished compost and coco coir. We likely would have stuck with this method regardless due to our goal of closed-loop, but the added growth was a major bonus.

One month growth

Topping compost and coir

Two month’s growth

Three month’s growth

Selected Harvest

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